Albanese caught red handed lying, page-127

  1. 1,910 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    Is your memory fading old mate ?

    Rachelle Miller was formerly the advisor of ex Human Services Minister, Alan Tudge. The pair were also engaged in an affair.

    Leaving aside the sheer hypocrisy that Tudge, a fierce and vocal opponent of marriage equality on the basis of “sanctity” was leading a double life in Canberra while his wife and three children were at home, it’s the treatment that Miller recalls that’s equally sickening.

    Speaking about an incident in which she attended Parliament’s Mid-Winter Ball, Miller says she was instructed by Tudge to walk in with him to the event despite the fact she felt uncomfortable doing so.

    But Tudge’s conduct is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the degrading treatment of women by Liberal Party Ministers.

    A long history of AG Christian Porter’s deeply problematic relationship with women was revealed too. Alleged accounts which painted the picture of a man with a sense of entitlement so strong he considered himself invincible.

    University peers spoke of a young Porter treating women as “jokes”; ridiculing them for the way they looked and showing a gratuitous fascination in sexual conduct and violence. He was a party boy and a womaniser– traits that allegedly remained long after he’d graduated.

    As a Minister, he flagrantly flouted the rules for his own personal gain, engaging in an affair with a young Liberal Party staffer who felt “caught” by the situation she was in. And his actions and attitudes were well known at the highest tiers of government.

    Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull went so far as to confront him about his accountability after he was seen publicly kissing the staffer. Despite this, Porter was soon after promoted to the highest law officer in the country– ironically in charge of implementing rules to protect the nation’s women.

    When Scott Morrison was elected last year, Porter was promoted once more to Leader of the House of Representatives.

    Of course a party line will be peddled to cast these reports aside as unfortunate but isolated. Christian Porter may face the music, or he may be treated with kid gloves; given (another) chance to redeem himself. Meekly, he may apologise to “anyone he’s hurt” in the process.

    But make no mistake, these words will be hollow. Because the crux of the issue is this: Tudge and Porter are not anomalies.

    They’re just the latest examples in a long line of men in government who exploit their power for personal advantage. They do it openly and without fear of consequence. Why? Because that’s the way they’ve always done things. That’s the culture.

    While women like Rachelle Miller, Vikki Campion and likely the staffer who was having an affair with Porter lose their jobs.

    “This isn’t okay. The behaviour wasn’t okay. And the culture’s not okay,” a fed-up Miller stressed to her interviewer on last night’s program.

    “Something needs to be done about it.”

    She’s absolutely right. But will it? I’m highly, highly doubtful.

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