Albanese in decline, is it time Labor made a switch?, page-136

  1. 5,335 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 29
    It's not multiculturalism, it's multi-nationalism, where we have all these different ethnic groups creating more or less mini separate nations within Australia. With some suburbs more or less no go zones and they don't speak our language, English for most of the time! This is not conducive to bringing us together or for that matter maintaining a true sense of Australian nationalism!
    Wake up you dumb moronic politicians! You've ruined this once great country of its true identity! That identity forged through and by the lives of our soldiers during the first and second world wars!
    These stupid politicians and on both sides have a lot to answer as no matter what ever they do it's never really in the best interests of this nation!

    Just look at the mess we are now in!!!
    And you guessed it all the result of our incompetent politicians!
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