Lets face it, for 9 years the LNP promised to put us back into...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    Lets face it, for 9 years the LNP promised to put us back into back into the black . A surplus, an on-going surplus !! They even had the T shirts printed and the Coffee mugs manufactured. They would do this by cutting the guts out of the public service, aged care, child care, health, public education, defence, security, and the environment . Admittedly they did spend money on sporting facities, gun clubs and car parks in marginal electorates.

    They were grossly negligent when it came to covid vaccines, incompetent when it came to foreign affairs (especially with regard to our pacific neighbours), and asleep at the wheel when it came to cybersecurity.

    Precisely what has the LNP done to address years of rorting in the NDIS and Medicare ?? Nothing, zilch, nada !! Why ?? Because rorting is in the LNP's DNA - way too hard to touch !

    And what about the trade debacle with China ? Billions of export dollars lost due to the sheers stupidity of our idiot PM (and I assume, his LNP advisors). Our Wine, Barley, Seafood and Beef exporters are still suffering the consequences.

    And now we have the High Court mess - Dutton's mess - remember that it was LNP legislation that the High Court Struck Down ! And here we have Dutton prancing around telling Albo and O'Neil to fix his stuff ups - give me strength !
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