Albo nails Franking credit BS., page-99

  1. 59 Posts.
    Australian Labor Party Well where can we start, Lets go back to when I first started voting.

    Whitlam theicon that that every true ALP voter worships. Honestly he was the most divisiveprime minister that ever held office in Australia.

    He managed to drive sadly a wedge between rural and city that even today still creeps into our society. We are all one and that’s that.

    Whitlam let the unions run rampant to the point.... well what other option was there but to get rid of him

    Move on to Hawk/Keating . As part of a family business at the time I can still remember the heady days of interest rates of 19 and 20 percent .How many small businesses went to the wall under their rule. What a legend Keating was. Don’t forget the 12% unemployment achievement.

    Worlds greatest treasurer “ banana republic “ “recession we had to have” the list can go on.

    His latest quote is the best of all about driving a stake into Peter Duttons political black heart. Well don’t bend over to far Paul because we know where the stake will end up.

    Let’s move on to the latest, wasn’t the Labor Party launch just wonderful, Julia and Kevin arm in arm walking to everyone smiling and clapping, those two would have rather cut each other’s throat than been in the same room together.

    Lastly let’s look at who’s holding up their hand for leader of the opposition.

    Albo didn’t even wait for his boss to finish his speech conceding a well deserved defeat, he held up his hand as his was leader 5 miniutes into it, says a bit for the quality of the man.

    Oh I forgot Penny, she was that astounded that those up north would vote against Labor that she thinks they’re a bit different. Well guess what it’s not only them it‘s also the rest of this great country.

    Maybe just maybe with that arrogance it’s why the Libs will have a majority and “Penny dear” that’s why you are where you are.

    And we will all live happy ever after

    The End

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