American society crumbling under the disastrous Democrats, page-1653

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 110
    See lot play the game well...100% to you

    But that there is the opportunity to do so ...and the sheer ineptness of so many jurisdictions to accurately count, vet or verify votes would suggest it is indeed happening.

    Cause you lot are cheats and liars. And anyone who still believes Biden from his basement outpolled Obama is an idiot.

    Im not interested in debating you lot on this issue any more as no matter what is said, no matter what proof is preferred, you and your ilk will gaslight and lie and make stuff up simply to advance your narrative

    Meanwhile in the real world where we are trying to reesblsih some integrity to the electoral process, we see this sort of headline and stories

    DHS Secretary Mayorkas Reveals No Measures in Place to Block Illegal Immigrants from Unlawfully Registering and Voting — “We Do Not Oversee the Election Enrollment Process”


    There was previously reported a significant uptick in voter registrations without a photo ID in three critical swing states: Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

    The conservative advocacy group End Wokeness brought this trend to light on Tuesday, citing figures that point to a surge since the start of 2024, with Texas experiencing a staggering 1,250,710 such registrations, Pennsylvania with 580,513, and Arizona recording 220,731.

    These states—California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington—issue a driver license to immigrants if they provide certain documentation, such as a foreign birth certificate, foreign passport, or consular card and evidence of current residency in the state.


    These laws require voters to present some form of identification at the polls. In some cases, the required identification must include a photo.

    As of April 2024, 35 states required voters to present identification in order to vote at the polls on Election Day. Of these states, 24 required voters to present identification containing a photograph, and 11 accepted other forms of identification. The remaining 16 states did not require voters to present identification in order to vote at the polls on Election Day.

    Valid forms of identification differ by state. In certain states that require voters to provide identification, there may be exceptions that allow some voters to cast a ballot without providing an ID. To see more about these exceptions, see details by state below. Commonly accepted forms of ID include driver's licenses, state-issued identification cards, and military identification cards.[1][2]

    The path non-citizens who cross our border illegally take to get on voter rolls in Florida is as follows. There are some loopholes and practices that allow this to happen:

    1. Cross the US border illegally
    2. Get arrested and get immigration court or asylum application paperwork
    3. Use immigration court or asylum application paperwork to get a Florida driver’s license, state ID (per s 322.08), or a social security number
    4. Sign up for Florida food or medical assistance using the same immigration court or asylum paperwork.
    5. An illegal will then receive a solicitation to register to vote in the mail from the government because they signed up for assistance. Just fill out and mail in the voter registration application provided with the solicitation letter (per interpretation of s 97.058). A solicitation letter from The Department of Children and Family Services to a person that appears to be a non-citizen based on a public records search is attached. The Spanish version is what was mailed.
    6. Register to vote using your driver license or social security number. If you have neither, just check the box for no ID. No one checks to see if you are a citizen. They just check to see you checked the box on the application saying you are a citizen (per interpretation of s 98.045).
    7. Vote. If you get caught plead plausible deniability or entrapment because you were solicited by the government to register to vote.
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