@stanjupiter - I am sorry, I voiced my opinion on here - I have...

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    @stanjupiter - I am sorry, I voiced my opinion on here - I have only just now realised that EVERYTHING on HC is political. It has a strong right-wing bias - so do some of the journals you quote.
    I have my bias, too, coming from a working-class background and having lost precious resources during the 2008-09 years, but 'my fault' - I volunteered, so I am not blaming anyone . . . . (and am trying to get it back, have kept up my losses on my tax returns.)
    I may also have confused you with another poster, as I do not frequent these pages on a regular basis, but saw the name of a friend on here - and wondered -

    re Covid: I have personal friends who were involved in various medical facilities, also overseas - and the stories I heard from them, were often heart-breaking. They certainly 'believed' in vaccination, so do I -
    again my justification for my belief is the same as yours - I have chosen a side - you have done some intensive research. - I am lazy, leave this to the experts - I am not about to become a doctor or microbiologist, before I decide to be vaccinated against something pretty nasty, which can actually kill. - so my logic!
    I did not do the due diligence you seem to have done, too busy, trying to enjoy life, or just getting through life at times . . .

    As a group of friends - we were formerly all members of a club at which my husband and I were very active - - we were astonished about a former employee, who, together with his wife ran the kitchen - very professionally~!! - - who turned out to be non-vaccers and we told each other 'if you run into him/them, don't talk about Covid'. (He regularly sells his wares at a public market here in Perth and is a truly nice bloke, so is his wife!).

    There is another acquaintance of mine, who is similar, and I avoid the subject - more recently it turns out, he supports the Russians in the Ukraine war - and he abused me, before I even responded to his latest argument/diatribe - so that is 'sort of' finished, anyway. He likes to fancy himself an 'original and independent thinker' - no point getting a hearing from such people, they like to be heard, but do not listen.
    I suspect a lot of anti-vaccers like to think of themselves in that fashion, too - definitely not you, you are too well researched, have put the work in.

    Then, of course, I discovered, that factions began to appear all over the internet - evidence amassed, aggressions were let loose on both sides - and I decided; I can only trust my present doctor, who so far has always done the right thing by me.

    So in my mind: "people of a 'different' attitude towards Covid, may have done some homework, but many are driven by a need to be different, to be shown to be an 'individualist'.
    This is just IMO and I would not apply this to everybody who thinks Covid jabs are a bad idea. I went for years without even having a flu vacc, until one year I had the granddaddy of the flu, when overseas - had to be wheeled around airports in a wheelchair, I was so sick. So now I make sure, I have the flu vaccine, except I have forgotten about it this year, because I was 'otherwise engaged'; I suffered from depression over the untimely death of one of my daughters - didn't give a damn about anything for a long time - am o.k. now.

    I do know about manipulation etc., the influence of Big Pharma etc., I do know about the initial trials - however, my doctor was/is well informed and advised me well. If you ask me now, which of the jabs I had, I can't even tell you - all I can tell you that in my environment, with the exception of that German guy, who I have known for years, and wrote about in my previous post, everyone is vaccinated.

    I have some family in Germany, too, and some of the younger and still working generation had a second helping of Covid, despite having had the jab. So it is not as effective as we would wish it to be - possibly there are new variants developing all the time - possibly another, new and resistant Covid virus is on the march.

    So please don't worry yourself about me - we have to die from something, no-one escapes that truism.
    I apologise if I have offended you, and I hope you live a long life.
    Go well

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