Well even Church pastors were deceived.This is a good example I...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 436
    Well even Church pastors were deceived.
    This is a good example I have for you. A big Baptist church in Melbourne along with a lot of others, made it a law that if you were not vaxed you could not attend any of their home group meetings. How nice and Christ like is that?

    Funny thing is my good wife and myself attended these meeting without being vaxed and have not have Covid or the flu. We have NO FLU jabs or covid jabs.
    Guess what ALL the other 16 or so other members have had Covid some once some 2 times and some others 3 times, they are regularly not well.
    Had one member die within 3 weeks of an auto immune attack from a cold score.

    All I can say about this is a lot of Christians and Pastors lack discernment, did not pray about taking the jabs ... very sad state of affairs.
    They should have been preaching Joshua 1: 9, but maybe there is something missing in their life

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