"the divisive screech and squeal we get from Dutton.". ..........

  1. 42,664 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    "the divisive screech and squeal we get from Dutton.". ....... is all he is capable of offering it seems. I had hoped for better.......

    imo this marks the reason that Dud is a seat warmer until the Lib factions decide the Dud needs to go (before the election).

    tomorrow is the Cook by-election. if Dud can'; produce a swing toward the Libs the sharks will be circling and his political demise only a matter of time.

    according to Antony Green's excellent analysis of the seat, Morrison lost 8.2% in '22 but retained a margin with a 55.5% primary vote.

    This election, Simon Kennedy is not a local and won preselection over a woman who lives in the electorate. will this affect Kennedy's impact and support? men still being favoured over women in a safe seat.

    there are 2 viable alternative candidates with a "Libertarian" and an independent (both men) which should preference to Kennedy and no Labor candidate (after the '22 result when Labs had a primary of 25% its not a feasible expense to run a candidate in the by). so Kennedy should achieve a swing toward the Libs. if the swing doesn't occur this will reflect heavily against Dud.

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