@Cowboyinvestor; according to that article the IMF complimented...

  1. 46,796 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @Cowboyinvestor; according to that article the IMF complimented Australia's response to the Covid Pandemic - Josh Frydenberg was only ONE element of that response and by no means the most important, support from the Australian People is what mattered most!

    Indeed, Frydenberg's oversight of JobKeeper saw $38 Billion rorted from it - yet he refused to recover that money, leaving taxpayers holding the can!

    Aside from his dedication to $Feeding $Greed Frydenberg will be remembered for his support of illegal protests in Victoria throughout the darkest days of the Covid Pandemic and for his exploitation of Murdoch Mouthpieces throughout that time to criticise Daniel Andrews' government.

    Small wonder Frydenberg was dumped by voters in what used to be one of the Liberal Party's blue ribbon seats at the May 2022 Election.
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