Its Not Over, page-278

  1. 4,009 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 428
    One of the strongest trend for the housing market remains urbanization.
    And not just in Australia, where the combined capital cities index increased by 9.3 % in 2023 vs + 4.4 % across the combined regional index (source : Corelogic).
    So, it seems that the strong rebound of regional market during covid was just a one off and we are now back to the previous trend.

    I was watching recently some reports which show that we can see the same trend in other countries.
    For example :
    - in Italy, where some rural towns sell houses for 1 euro,
    - or, in Japan, where a lot of houses in rural areas are abandoned once their owners die.

    This urban trend looks quite logical as all the age categories are attracted by cities :
    - of course, there are more job opportunities in urban areas,
    - it is again more complicated to work from home on a full time basis (most of the companies require again employees to come to the office for several days per week),
    - even older people seem more attracted by cities for different reasons : closer to family and friends, as well as hospitals and activities in general.

    I guess it probably answers the question where people will try to find the next affordable opportunities : it seems that it would rather be with units in cities/suburbs, rather than going into regional areas.

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