...how is US able to block China's purchase of Iranian crude...

  1. 21,675 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2007
    ...how is US able to block China's purchase of Iranian crude oil?
    ...US can control or block purchase of Chinese products, as they are contemplating with Chinese EVs but trying to control what or who they can buy from is another level similar to a sort of economic sanction on Russia.
    ...what would they do next? Ask Australia not to sell our iron ore to China?
    ...and what do you think this could lead to- China telling its people not to buy Apple iPhones or banning Tesla?
    ...where this is getting to is getting unhinged, and at the end of it, very bad for the world economy
    ...now you can understand why China is furiously ditching US Treasury and buying Gold everyday.

    On Monday, the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed legislation aimed at countering China’s purchase of Iranian crude oil as part of a package of bills being brought to the floor in response to Iran’s move.

    China is a main customer for Iran’s oil.
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