You are seriously one messed up individual!"Whatever? It was an...

  1. 1,956 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    You are seriously one messed up individual!

    "Whatever? It was an attack on Iranian sovereignty. If Iran attacked an American or Israeli consular building or embassy, don't think there wouldn't be consequences."

    If you weren't such a hell-bent anti-Israeli, anti-Jewish and obsessed nutter I'd think you were plain demented based one what you just commented.
    If you think that the Israeli hit in Syria has no connection to the fact that Iran (through Hezbollah) has been hitting Israeli sovereign territory daily with missiles and rockets (causing mass evacuations, injury and death to civilians) for over 7 months then you are indeed as demented as you make yourself out to be - You must be ill.

    Mr "I'm against all violence", you should be more honestly presented as "I'm against all violence except for violence against Israel and Jews" - For the 5th time, try and deny it - so far you have not and are obviously so full of hatred towards Israel and Jews that you can not. (But really it's ok if you are, just have the balls to be honest about it like your mates Joe, Fatso Watso and co.)
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