More than 50 Years of failed "Climate Change predictions", page-22

  1. 82,100 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''One? One against the many thousands they got wrong? That's hilarious.

    You should try comedy barge boy. Drongo? LOL''

    do you understand what you are doing?

    here's an analogy for you -

    you are standing on the deck of the Titanic - after it's hit the iceberg and the water is pouring over the baffles in the bowels of the ship

    and you are telling everyone that noting is happening because you've crossed the Atlantic before dozens of times and you've seen them have iceberg warnings and they have never sunk in the ship so far ------------ so, it isn't going to happen this time.

    meanwhile the smarter people around you are putting on life jackets and getting into lifeboats.

    You are standing there sprouting garbage to the few drongos who listen because they cannot think - and you look exactly like what you are ------------------- a special kind of stupid.

    in real life right now -------------- we ARE on a RAPIDLY warming planet - and yet, you are screeching about what you think were failed predictions from decades ago

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