For those who go solo and think that only the bible is needed...

  1. 5,403 Posts.
    For those who go solo and think that only the bible is needed then answer these questions

    Where in the Bible does it say the bible is all you need?
    Where does Scripture teach that the Bible is the ONLY or FINAL authority?
    How do we know, according to the Bible alone, that the books in the Bible are inspired Scripture? Where in the Bible does it give a list of inspired Scripture and how do we know what is inspired and what is not?
    - Where does it say in the Bible that the Book of Hebrews is inspired Scripture?
    - Where does it say in the Bible that Matthew is inspired? Or Philemon?
    According to the Bible alone, how do we even know Matthew wrote Matthew? How do we know wrote the Book of Hebrews?
    Where in the Bible does it say the Bible alone is the Word of God?

    I'll answer one Question regarding Matthew

    The internal evidence within the Bible itself does not provide explicit information about the authorship of the individual books, including the Gospel of Matthew. In fact, the earliest Christian writings, such as the Epistles of Paul, do not explicitly mention Matthew as the author of the Gospel.

    This is where tradition and historical analysis come in. The earliest Christian writers, such as Irenaeus (c. 130-202 CE) and Clement of Alexandria (c. 150-215 CE), attributed the Gospel of Matthew to Matthew, one of Jesus' twelve apostles. This tradition is based on the early Christian community's oral tradition and likely developed from the teachings and stories shared by the apostles.

    AND NO 2 Timothy 3:16-17 does not cut it, see clip as to why

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