God is Spirit and that appears to suggest that that is in a...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    God is Spirit and that appears to suggest that that is in a literal context of some sort.
    We also have the other meaning of spirit and that is the likes of what is expressed (comes from) the spirit, fruits you may call them.

    So, it would appear there are two aspects of the spirit and the question is, do we have a literal aspect of it, perhaps being part of the meaning of the image of God?
    If that be the case, then that would probably better fit with what you think is the soul that goes to be with God, returns to God.
    (Natural bodies and spiritual bodies, is that a twofold message, us effectively being 2 in 1).
    Hence in that sense, or twofold sense, is that what worship in spirit means, effectively, flesh stepping into the spirit?
    "That the soul is unique to human beings and is separate from the body, the clear verse is Matthew 10:28"

    That depends on how you view the soul context here, in a literal context or a spiritual context, which comes from the bodily package -> Man (whole package) became a living soul, which produces many soul aspects (fruits), that you appear to be drawing upon at times.
    Ecc 3:21 -> The spirit aspect there that returns to God, could very well be talking about the breath of life and not really a literal aspect of some kind?

    That is why I previously asked, do you know of any verses that say, something literally goes to God upon death, as against waiting for a resurrection (literal of some kind) on the last day?
    "Lol, but don't you think there is confusion when you say that Genesis 2 is saying that the soul is part of the body, "

    No confusion as the soul according to Gen is not part of the body, but the entire living body, man became a living soul when he become alive.
    Hence when you do everything with your soul, you're drawing from your memory bank, brain, the chief of the living soul (driver) that you are tongue.png, human computer lol.
    And as you know, they can get corrupted, get virus's LOL, good and evil words get fed into them.
    Finally, re the Matt quote, body, soul -> considering how you seem to view all resurrection passages, I'm rather surprised that you appear to only be able to see this Matt ref one way?
    The soul aspect there, you could very well say is the likes of the fruits of the soul (your beliefs etc and spiritual context) which come from the body as a whole (soul), which you want to fear being killed, otherwise you won't be raised on the last day to life eternal.

    Kill the body but not the memory, it contained which is stored or recorded in heaven (book of life) (souls under the alter, waiting symbolically? Rev).
    As I may have covered in prior posts, the area we are covering, is not an area I have ever gone into much, if at all.
    In short then, what I'm producing is pretty much what comes to mind as we've gone along wink.png

    Therefore, to give more clarity and with certainty from a Biblical view point, I would have to bring up all verses, and separate the two contexts (if they exist) that I mention, so a better understanding, hopefully would shine out.
    Whether I do that at some point or not, is another matter????

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