“Process Server Locates Giuliani By Following Trail of Hair Dye”...

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    “Process Server Locates Giuliani By Following Trail of Hair Dye”

    Give this process server a Ginger Mint, bit disappointed Rudy wasn’t served at Four Seasons Total Landscaping though now that would have made my day.

    “PALM BEACH (The Borowitz Report)—The process server who handed Rudolph Giuliani a summons Friday night located him by following a trail of jet-black hair dye, the server has confirmed.

    The server, an agent of the Arizona attorney general’s office, said his suspicion was aroused when he saw “drops of an inky black substance” leading to the home of a GOP operative.

    “At first, I thought it might have been left by a car with a nasty oil leak,” he said. “What made me suspect Mr. Giuliani was that the goo had dripped in an erratic, weaving fashion.”

    According to the server, the former New York mayor willingly accepted the summons, apparently mistaking it for a cocktail napkin.”

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