Russia Ukraine war, page-212980

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    lol lol that Gershkovic guy .. he is in the news these days, because he has been in captivity for a year ..

    lol lol of course he is innocent .. he says he is, his family says that he is, his employers say that he is .. and of course joe biden/american government say that he is ..

    seriously - it is not as if anyone is going to admit that he is guilty ..

    anyway , bbc guy - steve rosenberg, and reporting from moscow .. mentioned that the russians nabbed this guy - so that they could swap him for some russian guy who had murdered someone ..

    mmm mmm remember that basket ball player, that the russians eventually swapped for a russian businessman .. despite claims of innocence - she actually broke russian law - and was sentenced accordingly .. she was in possession of a minor quantity of drugs ... maybe nothing more than a non issue in america .. but she was in russia ..

    mm mmm remember that chinese/australian journalist (she hosted a chinese tv show) . who everyone claimed was innocent .. well, she simply broke chinese law .. from memory, she was privy to information (maybe from a lockup- eg australian budget night) which she revealed prior to the government releasing the information (probably within a few hours)
    mmm mmm 300,000 disabled = 300,000 eager participants for the RE-SEX program.. this was one of those one day propaganda yarns..

    ReSexhas also launched a social media campaign with videos, graphics and a helpline. The charity covers everything from masturbation to sex toys and even basic biology.
    "We try to cover it all," Ivona says, adding that there's also a section of the booklet specifically for young injured veterans who may be virgins.
    "So sex after their wound would be their first sex ever, which is quite different from what they might have imagined.

    here is one lucky guy ... Hlib Stryzhko (Ukrainian veteran)

    Every partner I had was important to me, in gaining my confidence back. I’m very grateful for that..

    "After I came back from captivity and the hospital, I had a girlfriend, and then another when I was doing the project questionnaire. And now I have a partner," he says. "I might have missed one.

    "But he said he was thankful for every person he had dated in the past year.

    "Every partner I had was important to me, in gaining my confidence back. I'm very grateful for that.

    this guy is doing better than watso in his prime (ok watso has to humbly admit that he has only 20 mistresses to satisfy these days .. in his prime, watso put kink solomon to shame - wiith his 1,000 concubines/wives) .. mm mmmm and in a country where most of the mares have bolted out of the paddocks - and gone looking for greener pastures - this guy is pulling in the women, the way that a light attracts moths ..

    mmm mmm and how many of the disabled have their ... oh forget it
    mmm the russians are great at re-programming those chips from old washing machines .. accuracy to within a metre !!

    de-dollarization will happen .. one of the positive side benefits of the ukraine conflict ..

    mmm mmm watso just waiting for the chinese to tell australian iron ore exporters - that ALL OF THEIR SALES will be paid in yuan - or maybe whatever currency the BRICS countries determine
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