Speaking of Trans jokes, a memorable line from our Gay.B.C,...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 49
    Speaking of Trans jokes, a memorable line from our Gay.B.C, reporting on endometriosis clinics:
    one in nine women or people assigned female at birth in Australia

    Basic biological reality doesn't exist obviously: being a boy or girl is something that unenlightened people assign to newborn babies.

    Meanwhile people actually female are the ones a risk of diseases specific to female biology, as persons actually male are, to diseases specific to male biology. To discuss such diseases - an annoying feature of the real world - while pandering to the delusional fantasies of those afflicted with an identity crisis, is beyond bizarre.

    Our taxes at work. Ita Buttrose has recently stepped down as Chair of the ABC. She has a distinguished record in Australian pubic affairs, but her legacy at the ABC isn't among them.

    To quote communications minister Michelle Rowland:
    "... speaking truth to power ...”
    Err, no: she may be speaking truth to power, but she's spouting bullshit to rest of us.

    “... will leave the ABC stronger than when she was entrusted with the role ..."

    The ABC has become a sick joke. Unless you call being a plaything of the Woke being stronger.
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