Stop the Anti-Vaxxer propaganda!, page-70

  1. 11,646 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 535
    "The article said she died from delta variant."

    It was reported from her friend that she started getting severe chest pains before she went to hospital and she died after surgery.

    What would the surgery be for? Surgery is not standard treatment for Covid, especially for a young healthy person?

    But, the no.1 symptom for Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia (vaccine induced blood clots) is "severe chest pain" and "surgery" is commonly done to try to remove a serious blood clot.

    Her friend also said "she was not vaccinated before she was infected". This implies she got vaccinated (most likely with Astra) after getting covid like symptoms. That, would be about 7-10 days before she died, which is also consistent with death from vaccine induced thrombosis with thrombocytopenia.

    So, it appears the lying is getting worse - and the public are now to be told: "vaccine induced deaths are to reported as covid deaths", when they should be telling everyone: "DO NOT GET VACCINATED IF YOU HAVE COVID SYMPTOMS".
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