''Unfortunately the loony left seems to be hell bent on feeling...

  1. 82,083 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''Unfortunately the loony left seems to be hell bent on feeling sorry for everyone but their own.''

    but, it's not the looney left ------ we've just had 9 years of Liberals

    you didn't see any refugees in that time? ------------ you missed it?

    You miss that we've been supporting Israel for years with military?

    You miss that we're still supporting Israel with military - so much so that we won't say how much - why?

    Because it could damage Australia's international reputation - can you believe that.

    So, effectively - Australia, American, anyone who provides military assistance to Israel atm is at WAR - with the Muslim world

    is that too hard to grasp?

    all of these types of attacks are the direct result of Australia being in the ME with military - trying to contain, control and kill ------- AND being war criminals

    sorry - we picked the wrong dudes here - these guys are not nice guys like Vietnamese - who will never forget, but do forgive and are lovely

    John Howard picked fights with people who NEVER forget - and it doesn't matter how they come - they will come
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