If nucleaer energy was the way - then private enterprise would...

  1. 2,448 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 25
    If nucleaer energy was the way - then private enterprise would be all over it.
    Do you seriously think that somehow, an ex-copper with zero knowledge of nuclear physics or electricity grid architecture can "out smart" the likes of AGL?

    Are we to believe that somehow this intellectually-challenged troglodyte called Dutton has somehow managed to figure out a solution that has eluded the most powerful energy minds in Australia who have more lobbying power than most churches?

    Seriously - if you cannot explain to me a) how rod dampening failed to work in Chernobyl or
    b) how you are going to handle nuclear waste in a free democratic country

    you do not get to spout "nuclear is the answer!"

    I have probably spent more time studying nuclear physics than these LNP prats and HC Trolls pushing it, and yet they expect us to elect them on it?
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