The Israelite nation were the only ones given the ten...

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    The Israelite nation were the only ones given the ten commandments.

    (Psalm 147:19, 20) He declares his word to Jacob, His regulations and judgments to Israel. 20 He has not done so with any other nation; They know nothing about his judgments. Praise Jah!

    At the time that Psalm was written no other nation had heard these ''judgments''. Now that the Bible is available earth wide it needs to be read with care otherwise religious organizations will have you believe things contrary to what it teaches.

    Jesus was born into that nation, so he obeyed his Father's commandments. So too, did Jewish Christians. However, the whole system of Sabbaths, be they days or years, was brought to its end with the rest of the Law by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus.

    (Romans 7:6) But now we have been released from the Law, because we have died to that which restrained us, in order that we might be slaves in a new sense by the spirit and not in the old sense by the written code.

    (Romans 10:4) For Christ is the end of the Law, so that everyone exercising faith may have righteousness.

    The principles contained in the Law need to be adhered to, but the Law was abolished when the nation to whom it was given rejected the Messiah.
    Jesus lamented this fact in the days leading up to his execution.

    (Matthew 23:37, 38) “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent to her—how often I wanted to gather your children together the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings! But you did not want it. 38 Look! Your house is abandoned to you.
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