To matters of war, page-92

  1. 11,972 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3121
    Hamas, Iran and hezbollah have to stop murdering people. Beheading babies and raping kids is not ok. They cover themselves in blood and ring their mother with pride on FaceTime. Looks mum, I killed a kid. Sick f^8ks.
    The pro pal movement is dumber than a mud wall. Israel sits on its own amongst tribes of killers who want the destruction of ALL Jews through out the world. As the son of the founder of Hezbollah said, ‘if they weren’t focused on the killing of all Jews, they would kill themselves and each other. Farken nut bags. That is from the horses mouth. I guess if you start a war and hide behind your mum and kids, you are a coward and killer. It is designed to create a sympathetic reaction from everyone, and it works well. How dare Israel respond. Look at all the innocent people they are killing. By the way, the reported deaths come from inside Gaza. Like those numbers are real. Mean while, the moronic western media report it like it’s facts. Would they report the death rate from the Russian military? The entire circle of hate and death won’t end until the Muslims stop killing Jews. It won’t happen, so expect more deaths. It’s in their DNA. Wongs two state solution is a left wing dead on arrival fantasy designed to placate their voter base. It will back fire, as it already has.
    The recent stabbing of a priest by a mentally ill 16 year old muslim kid who spent 90 mins getting to the church is another example. People will say, ‘well he is mentally ill right!’. Then bring that into context with the fact that thousands of other muslims kill Jews, kids in cold blood while FaceTiming it and sharing it with their parents and ask yourself are they are also mentally ill? Maybe they are just crazy brainwashed killers. Try fighting that enemy with compassion. Half these white girls walking around with pro pal flags would be raped and killed over there for sport. They have no idea what they are supporting.
    We have not idea how bad these people are. We don’t fight for our survival on a daily basis. Gaza is a consequence of a deliberate mass attack to kill as many people as possible. Memo to Gaza, don’t do it again and you won’t be boomed. No one likes this war, so let’s hope enough of the bad people are removed from the puzzle for it to not happen again. An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. No one seems to be telling Iran's proxies that little fact.
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