''Trump, of course, owes more than $450 million in fraud...

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    ''Trump, of course, owes more than $450 million in fraud penalties to go along with four indictments on 91 felony charges, and his Trump Foundation was dissolved for misusing charitable donations and settled a $25 million fraud claim against his Trump University.''
    "That almost does not do his business association with lying justice. He is alongside friends and associates like Rupert Murdoch, the late Roger Ailes, Vladimir Putin, the FSB, the Internet Research Agency, the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, and Christopher Ruddy, one of the pioneers of the Misinformation Industrial Complex."
    There's no aspect of Trump's life that's not built on lies — his political and business careers, his marriages, his height and his weight, even his golf abilities — and Rothkopf said this trial shows why he has fought so hard to avoid appearing in court where the truth might finally be exposed and he could be held to account for his inherent fraudulence.
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