Trump Criminal Trials, page-8237

  1. 21,621 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    Yup...only a leftie would make the case that the head of the Executive Branch, in coming to a view that the election results were not reliable...

    Only an absolute moron would dismiss the evidence of legal advice given to the di(khead of the Executive Branch that are now testifying against him.
    That would be you, hey?

    Here''s a brain exercise...try wont hurt...promise

    Say you, joe blog, is faced with some sort of legal or even civil predicament. You hire two firms of lawyers and get their advice. They each mount a strong case your best interests are best served by using their preferred course of action.

    joe blog should get a second opinion. Oh wait, joe blog had already had opinions given to him that told him it was illegal. joe blog disregards those opinions because his corrupted narcissistic mind didn't like those opinions so joe blog sought out opinions that would align with his corrupted narcissistic mind.
    Those intitial opinions are evidence against Trump in Trump's criminal trials.

    That's got to hurt your tiny pinhead. go ahead and use one of those options.

    Is that a crime?

    Grand juries say there is enough evidence to go to trial. Imagine that?

    Second....and let's assume the choice you made was wrong and you lose the case...are you then up to be charged for the choice you made?

    You do have some capacity to think somewhat outside your stupid exercise.

    So sad for the Dems. That means there be close to a zero chance the trial goes ahead before the election and that's just another nail in their election strategy driven home.

    You are even now beginning to accept Trump's delay tactics instead of fighting for his innocence he knows he isn't. Good for you.
    Most of the intelligent voting Americans have known this from the outset.

    And even better...will give you lot conniptions as every lawfare case falls over or is exposed as the sham they all are.

    Is that what Trump's legal advisors believe as they testify against him, a sham trial?
    And quite an amount of his close Administration?

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