" Australians are piss poor relative to their wealth because...

  1. 21,823 Posts.
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    He's not smart, he's con man and the video is quite misleading. Australian gov gets way more than $2 billion in revenues from gas companies, theres way more taxes than just income taxes, theres rent taxes, royalties, States have taxes too on them, we also have exicse taxes, theres no end of different taxes.

    Qatar doesn't get it's gas revenues from Taxes like Australia does, we also have lots more taxes than just income taxes to count for Australia true gas related revenue from taxes etc and Australian Gov does not have to invest in gas companies and development and exploration etc either like Qatar does, for example Qatar made 45 billion from it's shareholding in gas exports recently but has to invest 30 billion for future growth thus that 30 bil doesn't get handed out to it's people.

    Qatar Energy is state owned and is in joint ventures with multinationals like Shell, Connocophillips, Exxonmobil etc etc etc, the state has to cough up it's share of investment monies before it receives any profits and this can take many years before a decent result is achieved as you can see in the link below. For clarity heres the history of Qatar energy timeline, corporate structure and shareholdings of the State and the Multinationals in this link..... https://www.qatarenergylng.qa/english/about-us/corporate-structure

    Qatar State share of profits was 42 billion profit for it's share in 2022....https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/qatar-energy-reports-58-jump-annual-profit-2022-4247-billion-2023-07-18/

    " Australians are piss poor relative to their wealth because your politicians give your natural wealth to the Empire's corporates. "

    This is not true at all either, we have the highest minimum wages in the world basically, corporates pay big wages to their workers here in Oz, the reason it doesn't feel like we are on high wages is because our government takes a lot of our wages back off us with high taxes, stealth taxes, duties, fees and extremely excessive regulations, all regulations increase costs of goods, regulations incur costs on businesses and logically the businesses and companies have to pass on those costs to the consumer so they can keep the lights on and keep the people employed, the more regulations there are the less goods and services our money and wages buy which is why if governments had their peoples interests first they would have as little regulations as possible to keep the peoples cost of living down as low as possible, low regulations also increase competitiveness and productivity which would help with inflation and economic growth.

    Most countries if not all need foreign investment and expertise for growth and prosperity of it's people, to say we are poor because of corporates and/or multinationals etc is very poor reasoning and misleading journalism and simply completely false. A good example of a country to prove this narrative is false is China..see below.

    " In China's modern economic history, the Open Door Policy refers to the new policy announced by Deng Xiaoping in December 1978 to open the door to foreign businesses that wanted to set up in China.[2][15] Special Economic Zones (SEZ) were set up in 1980 in his belief that to modernize China's industry and boost its economy, he needed to welcome foreign direct investment. Chinese economic policy then shifted to encouraging and supporting foreign trade and investment. It was the turning point in China's economic fortune, which started its way on the path to becoming 'The World's Factory'.[16]"

    " Four SEZs were initially set up in 1980: Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shantou in Guangdong, and Xiamen in Fujian. The SEZs were strategically located near Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan but with a favorable tax regime and low wages to attract capital and business from these Chinese communities.[2][17] Shenzhen was the first to be established and showed the most rapid growth, averaging a very high growth rate of 40% per annum between 1981 and 1993, compared to the average GDP growth of 9.8% for the country as a whole.[18] Other SEZs were set up in other parts of China."

    Before China let in multinationals they were very poor and hungry too, why would you want us to get rid of foreign investment and development when it's very clear how benificial it can be for the countries people and government revenues, it's the key to a nations prosperity really and China history proves this for all to see imo.

    Last edited by Fishinnick: 01/03/24
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