Everyone that thirsts for God come freely to the waters., page-51

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    "Now wotsup, on what I said, I have the source right Infront of me, there is no way the CC is mentioned in anyway shape or form in this source, and I can assure you I have said many things against the CC. but never, I repeat never even once have I said the CC was involved in changing anything of faith, and that includes anything in the bible"


    Surewhatever your understanding says, you will find the reality is that eternallife flows from the one God, Father, and Son, as they are one, There is nodoubt eternal life comes from the Father, but then again it comes from Jesus,in I'm the way, truth, and Life, it was through the blood of Jesus that hasgiven us eternal life from the sins of Adam and Eve plus our own

    This is what the C C Bible says about v17:3"This verse was clearly added in the editing of the gospel as a reflectionon the preceding verse; Jesus nowhere else refers to himself as JesusChrist." So nothing new that you said and trying to make a song and danceabout,

    v2 just as you gave him authority over all people,so that he may give eternal life to all you gave him.

    All that proceeds from the Father also proceedsfrom Jesus, as both are one, do tell of how much eternal life anybody wouldhave without Christ cross= none, not One.

    But hey, a bit of song and dance from you as in,see how you assume to know

    You see wotsup, it is you who is jumping toconclusions as to what you assume that I know or said in regards to v17:3, it'sonly spinning in your head
    "This is what the C C Bible says about v17:3"This verse was clearly added in the editing of the gospel as a reflectionon the preceding verse; Jesus nowhere else refers to himself as JesusChrist." So nothing new that you said and trying to make a song and danceabout,"
    So the CC Bible says, but not what the Bible says???????????? rolleyes.png
    As the CC's formulated the Bible, compiled it, who then did the editing as you claim???

    " I have the source right Infront of me,"
    And that is???

    "there is no way the CC is mentioned in anyway shape or form in this source, "
    But you say it's in the CC Bible????????

    Now to comment on your deluded post, when you tried to avoid addressing that Jesus independently of himself defined the Father as the only true God.
    Delusions being off the one and only point being made above -> "reality is that eternallife flows from the one God, Father, and Son, as they are one,"

    Jesus in NO WAY in 17:3 is even implying that he also makes up this only true One God.
    The reality is, eternal life flows from the Only True God and his Son, the 2nd Adam Man, who the only true God ordained etc, etc.

    They are one in word = Unity, no more and no less is the meaning of -> I and the Father are one, as Jesus interprets that in very clear language in John 17:20-24 where he asks for the EXACT same oneness for others, as he and the Father have.
    "All that proceeds from the Father also proceedsfrom Jesus, as both are one," = One in word = One in Unity, no more and no less.
    It proceeds from the Son as the Father gave him all that proceeds from him.
    John 5:26 For as the Father has life in himself (words John 1:4) so has he given to the Son (words) to have life in himself John 17:8, 6:63, 68.
    "(v2 just as you gave him authority over all people,so that he may give eternal life to all you gave him.)"
    "You see wotsup, it is you who is jumping toconclusions as to what you assume that I know or said in regards to v17:3,"


    (71406178) P - “The Jewsbelieved in only one God period as Jesus wasn’t revealed until his birth, hadto be very careful of how and what He said, this is what this verse is about(above), Jesus pointing to God in His fullness, Father, Son and HolySpirit.”

    P - “Such verses in the likes of baptise in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, its referring to the makeup nature of the one God”

    P - “Same goes when you see verses such as know You the ONLY TRUE God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.”

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