Andrews Black Legacy: Vic Hospitals Broke

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    The lingering black legacy of former premier and failed head kicker Daniel Andrews has spilled over into the Victorian public health system with a report in today's paper. The hospitals cash deficit looks like about $3 billion. But in Dan's world that is mere chicken feed.

    Andrews' was the worst worst financial manager and had no idea how to frame a proper budget on anything and then have the discipline to stick to it.

    Just look at the Comm Games fiasco as a good example; going from a cost of $2.2b to over $7b in just 18 months.
    Andrews was a walking, breathing financial disaster. In my opinion Andrews was a political oxygen thief.

    The Allan government will be forced to fork out billions to bail out the state’s cash-strapped hospitals — many of which face cutting staff and frontline services just to survive, insiders have revealed.

    Health insiders say hospitals operating in the red will need significant funding boosts, and they claim the Royal Melbourne Hospital is facing a deficit worth “hundreds of millions of dollars” — its first in five years.

    Sunday Herald Sun  -  Sunday 28th April 2024
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